
Tenisha's work examines institutional practices in an effort to promote equity and inclusion for both students and leaders. Here is her Google Scholar Profile for access to additional publications.

Select Publications

Foste, Z. & Tevis, T. L., (2022, July 29). Critical Whiteness Praxis in Higher Education: Considerations for the Pursuit of Racial Justice on Campus. Stylus Publishing. 

Tevis, T. L., & Foste, Z. (2022). From complacency to criticality: Envisioning antiracist leadership among white higher education administrators. Journal of Diversity in Higher Education. Advance online publication.

Whitehead, M.A.; Foste, Z.; Duran, A.; Tevis, T.; Cabrera, N.L. Disrupting the Big Lie: Higher Education and Whitelash in a Post/Colorblind Era. Educ. Sci. 2021, 11, 486.

Tevis, Whitehead, Foste, & Duran. (2023) Whiteness Beyond (Just) White People: Exploring the Interconnections between Dimensions of Whiteness in Higher Education.  Higher Education: Handbook of Theory and Practice

Tevis, T., Martinez, J., & Lozano, Y. (2022). Disrupting White Hegemony: A Necessary Shift Toward Anti-Racist Approaches within Instructional Practices. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education

Tevis,  T. &  Pifer,  M.  (2022). Privilege  and  Oppression:  Exploring  the  role  White  women administrators’  paradoxical  identity  plays  in  their  Leadership. Journal  Committed  to  Social Change on Race and Ethnicity

Tevis, T., Davis, T, Perez-Gill, S., & Amason, T. (2022) Advising Black students and anti-oppressive frameworks: A systematic review of college access and college counseling literature. The Journal of College Access

Tevis, T., Pifer, M, & Baker, V. (2021). Approaches and Allies: An Exploration of Women Leaders  in  Higher  Education  Administration  During  Global  Crises,"  for  the  upcoming  book, Women and Leadership in Higher Education During Global Crises.

Tevis, T. (2021) “It’s a sea-change”: Understanding the role the racial and socio-political climate play on the role-shift of the American college presidency. Education Policy Analysis Archives

Chunoo,  V.  S., Tevis,  T.,  Guthrie,  K.  L.,  Norman,  S.  &  Corces-Zimmerman,  C.  (2020) Evolution  and  revolution:  Social  justice  and  critical  theory  in  leadership  education  research  In Creating  a  National  Leadership  Education  Research  Agenda 2020-2024:  Providing  Strategic Direction for the Field of Leadership Education. Journal of Leadership Studies Symposium

Reflective Commentaries 

Beatty,  C.  C., Tevis,  T.,  Acker,  L.,  Blockett,  R.,  &  Parker,  E.  (2020). Addressing  Anti-Black Racism in Higher Education: Love Letters to Blackness and Recommendations to Those Who Say They Love Us. JCSCORE, 6(1), 6-27.

Tevis, T. (2021) By choice and by obligation: Taking on extra responsibilities during this time of COVID-19 and the Black Lives Matter movement. The ADVANCE Journal

Parker, E., Tevis, T., Beatty, C. C., & Blockett, R. (accepted). We’ve Seen This Movie Before: The Disingenuity of Routine Institutional Responses to Address Anti-Black Racism. ACPA Developments