Tenisha's work examines institutional practices in an effort to promote equity and inclusion for both students and leaders. Here is her Google Scholar Profile for access to additional publications.
Foste, Z. & Tevis, T. L., (2022, July 29). Critical Whiteness Praxis in Higher Education: Considerations for the Pursuit of Racial Justice on Campus. Stylus Publishing.
Tevis, T. L., & Foste, Z. (2022). From complacency to criticality: Envisioning antiracist leadership among white higher education administrators. Journal of Diversity in Higher Education. Advance online publication.
Whitehead, M.A.; Foste, Z.; Duran, A.; Tevis, T.; Cabrera, N.L. Disrupting the Big Lie: Higher Education and Whitelash in a Post/Colorblind Era. Educ. Sci. 2021, 11, 486.
Tevis, Whitehead, Foste, & Duran. (2023) Whiteness Beyond (Just) White People: Exploring the Interconnections between Dimensions of Whiteness in Higher Education. Higher Education: Handbook of Theory and Practice
Tevis, T., Martinez, J., & Lozano, Y. (2022). Disrupting White Hegemony: A Necessary Shift Toward Anti-Racist Approaches within Instructional Practices. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education
Tevis, T. & Pifer, M. (2022). Privilege and Oppression: Exploring the role White women administrators’ paradoxical identity plays in their Leadership. Journal Committed to Social Change on Race and Ethnicity
Tevis, T., Davis, T, Perez-Gill, S., & Amason, T. (2022) Advising Black students and anti-oppressive frameworks: A systematic review of college access and college counseling literature. The Journal of College Access
Tevis, T., Pifer, M, & Baker, V. (2021). Approaches and Allies: An Exploration of Women Leaders in Higher Education Administration During Global Crises," for the upcoming book, Women and Leadership in Higher Education During Global Crises.
Tevis, T. (2021) “It’s a sea-change”: Understanding the role the racial and socio-political climate play on the role-shift of the American college presidency. Education Policy Analysis Archives
Chunoo, V. S., Tevis, T., Guthrie, K. L., Norman, S. & Corces-Zimmerman, C. (2020) Evolution and revolution: Social justice and critical theory in leadership education research In Creating a National Leadership Education Research Agenda 2020-2024: Providing Strategic Direction for the Field of Leadership Education. Journal of Leadership Studies Symposium
Reflective Commentaries
Beatty, C. C., Tevis, T., Acker, L., Blockett, R., & Parker, E. (2020). Addressing Anti-Black Racism in Higher Education: Love Letters to Blackness and Recommendations to Those Who Say They Love Us. JCSCORE, 6(1), 6-27.
Tevis, T. (2021) By choice and by obligation: Taking on extra responsibilities during this time of COVID-19 and the Black Lives Matter movement. The ADVANCE Journal
Parker, E., Tevis, T., Beatty, C. C., & Blockett, R. (accepted). We’ve Seen This Movie Before: The Disingenuity of Routine Institutional Responses to Address Anti-Black Racism. ACPA Developments